231.260. Any contractor who shall willfully fail or neglectto keep any road under his care in good repair, or shall in anymanner fail or neglect to keep any road under his care in goodrepair, or shall in any manner fail to faithfully perform ordischarge any of his duties according to the terms of hiscontract, or shall willfully fail or refuse after five days'notice to repair any bridge or culvert which under the terms ofthe contract it is his duty to repair, shall be held responsibleupon his said bond for any and all damages which occur to personsor property by reason of such failure; provided, that nothingherein contained shall prevent the contractor from pleading as adefense for such failure to perform his work in the timespecified in the contract that same was caused by unusual weatherand that with due care and diligence he could not have avoidedsuch delay.
(RSMo 1939 § 8829)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8169; 1919 § 10930; 1909 § 11778