231.310. It shall be lawful for the county commission of anycounty upon the application of the township board of directors,to empower and authorize the county highway engineer of saidcounty, under the direction of the township board of suchtownship, to survey, locate and plat the public highways of suchtownship; and when such plat shall have been completed andapproved by the township board, it shall be filed in the officeof the township clerk, together with the minutes and report ofsuch survey, to be kept by such township clerk as a part of hisofficial records, the expenses of such proceeding to be paid outof the road fund of the township. The said plat, minutes andreports, or a certified copy of the same, over the hand and sealof the township clerk, shall be prima facie evidence that theroad or roads therein contained or described have beenconstituted a public highway according to law.
(RSMo 1939 § 8833)Prior revisions: 1929 § 8173; 1919 § 10934; 1909 § 11786