231.400. The county commissions in all counties of thesecond class shall have the power to provide for and require thebuilding of sidewalks and roadways--including grading therefor,along any street, avenue, road or highway--in any unincorporatedvillage or residence district in such county by and at theexpense of the owner of the lots fronting on such street, avenue,road or highway, along the distance improved in proportion to thefront feet, whenever a petition therefor shall be filed with thecounty commission signed by a majority of the owners resident onsuch street, avenue, road or highway, and liable to taxationtherefor, which sidewalks and roadways shall be constructed insuch manner and of such dimensions as are herein provided.
(RSMo 1939 § 8567, A.L. 1945 p. 1501)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7920; 1919 § 10708; 1909 § 10511