231.410. Contracts for the laying of such sidewalks androadways as are provided for in section 231.400 shall beauthorized and let by the aforesaid county commission to thelowest and best bidder therefor, said commission first givingnotice thereof by publication, which notice shall be publishedfor fifteen days in a daily newspaper or for three insertions ina weekly newspaper published at the county seat of such county.Said notice must contain specifications showing the kind ofmaterial required, the width and the thickness of such sidewalkand roadway and the manner of paying therefor; provided, that allsidewalks constructed under the provisions of sections 231.400 to231.430 shall be of uniform width not less than four feet in anyone block, and the general specifications of such sidewalk orsidewalks shall be determined by the county commission inconformity with the wishes of the petitioners.
(RSMo 1939 § 8570)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7921; 1919 § 10709; 1909 § 10512