231.460. 1. Of the total amount appropriated each year,five percent shall be paid to the city of St. Louis, and the cityof St. Louis shall not otherwise participate in any distributionfrom the appropriation as either a city or county.
2. Of the remainder, two-thirds shall be paid to the variouscounties of the state on the same basis as county aid road trustfunds are distributed as provided in Article IV, section 30(a)(1)of the Missouri Constitution, and shall be expended as providedin section 231.441.
3. The remainder shall be distributed to the various citiesof the state in the same manner as road funds are distributed tothe incorporated cities, towns and villages within the state asprovided in Article IV, section 30(a)(2), Constitution ofMissouri, and for the same purposes enumerated therein, but thedistribution shall not take into account whether or not a city,town, or village once levied a motor fuel tax. The statehighways and transportation commission shall not have anyauthority to promulgate rules and regulations concerning theexpenditure of such funds.
(L. 1979 S.B. 109 § 3)*No continuity with § 231.460 as repealed by L. 1973 H.B. 222 § 1.