234.080. 1. If a bridge be necessary over any watercoursewhich divides one county from another, the county commissions ofsuch counties may unite in the building of said bridge and theexpenses shall be borne by such counties in such proportion asmay be agreed upon by the county commissions of said counties;provided, that the county commission of any other county of thisstate and the authorities of any municipal corporation, township,road district or other political subdivision of the state havingjurisdiction of the construction and maintenance of public roads,which may deem the construction of such a bridge a benefit, maycontribute to the cost of such bridge.
2. The plans and specifications for such bridge shall beprepared, the contract let and the construction of said bridgeshall be supervised by the county highway engineers of thecounties so uniting, or either of them, or otherwise, as thecounty commissions of said counties may agree.
(RSMo 1939 § 8539)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7903; 1919 § 10691; 1909 § 10498