234.130. 1. Any such city may increase its indebtednessby issuing and selling its bonds for funds for use in making apurchase or purchases by authority of this law and payingexpenses of holding an election as by this section authorizedand other expenses preliminary or incidental to the issuance andsale of such bonds. Such increase of indebtedness shall notcause the indebtedness of the city to exceed the constitutionallimit. The council, trustees, or other proper authorities ofthe city, shall order an election to be held, and an electionshall be held, as by this section provided, for the purpose oftesting the sense of the voters of the city on the propositionto so increase indebtedness and the constitutionally requiredpercentage of those voting at such election favor the increaseof indebtedness.
2. Such council, trustees, or other proper authorities,shall give, or cause to be given, at least three weeks' noticeof such election in a newspaper published in such city, or ifthere be no such newspaper, then by posting up ten printed orwritten handbills in ten different public places in such city.If there are one or more daily newspapers published in the city,which are qualified to publish public advertisements and ordersof publication as provided by law, such notice shall bepublished in at least one of such newspapers. If the notice ispublished in a newspaper as provided in this section, suchpublication shall be made at least once in each of the threeweeks, the last publication to be within two weeks of the dateof such election.
3. Such election shall be held and judges thereof appointedas in case of other elections in such city, except that theboard of election commissioners of the city, if there be such aboard, or other proper authorities having charge of suchelection shall provide at least two voting places in each wardof the municipality conducting such election, if there be morethan one ward, and for that purpose they may combine as manyelection precincts in each ward as in their opinion may beproper. The judges and clerks of the precinct in which a votingplace is located shall act as the judges and clerks of suchelection for such combined precinct. Except as provided in thissection, such election shall be conducted in the same manner andby the same election commissioners, if there be such electioncommissioners, judges and clerks and other officers andemployees as other elections are conducted.
4. Such election may be held at the same time as any otherelection of the city, whether general or special, in which eventthe voting precincts, judges, clerks and the booths used shallbe the same as at such other election, but not the same ballotsor ballot boxes.
(RSMo 1939 § 8556, A.L. 1953 p. 666, A.L. 1990 H.B. 1621)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7912; 1919 § 10700