234.140. 1. Any city and the county commission of anycounty contracting by authority of this law for the purchase ofright-of-way over a bridge may pay the purchase price thereforwhen having funds therefor and proper conveyance of suchright-of-way shall be made; provided, that payment shall not bemade for right-of-way over a proposed bridge until aftercompletion of such bridge in accordance with plans therefor.
2. The expense of preserving and maintaining the paving onand lighting and guarding the roadway or roadways covered by orsubject to such a right-of-way shall thereafter be shared by suchcity and county proportionately to the amounts paid by themrespectively of such purchase price; and any and all necessaryexpense of permanently preserving and maintaining such bridge soas it shall be sufficient and proper support for such roadway orroadways shall thereafter be borne by the owner of such bridge.
(RSMo 1939 § 8557)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7913; 1919 § 10701