234.150. 1. Every county commission participating byauthority in this law, in the purchase of or a contract forright-of-way over a bridge, shall cause such a highway to beopened in the county as may be necessary to give access to suchbridge by the public; and every city so participating shall causesuch streets or highways to be opened in the city as may benecessary for such purpose.
2. If the county commission or the city cannot agree withthe owner of any land needed as right-of-way for such highway asto the amount to be paid him as damages for opening such highway,or if any such owner be incapable in law of making conveyance ofsuch right-of-way, proceedings may be instituted in the circuitcourt in the name of such county, or of such city, for thecondemnation of the lands, or any part thereof, needed for suchright-of-way. The proceedings in the circuit court for thecondemnation of such lands or any part thereof, shall be had andconducted in the same manner and with like effect as provided inchapter 523, RSMo, for condemnation of property for public use.
(RSMo 1939 § 8558)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7914; 1919 § 10702