234.310. All cities in this state now organized andoperating under a special charter, or which are now or hereaftermay be organized under the provisions of section 19 of article VIof the state constitution, are hereby given the power andauthority to build and construct bridges, viaducts and theirapproaches thereto; also to acquire, in whole or in part, bypurchase, lease, gift, condemnation proceedings or otherwise,bridges, viaducts and the approaches thereto already constructed,together with the necessary lands, rights-of-way, easements,leaseholds, other property and rights, upon which any suchbridge, viaduct, or its approach are now or may hereafter beconstructed, operated and maintained by private parties, and toown, operate and maintain any such structure for public use, asand for a public highway for all kinds of vehicles, pedestrians,railroads and streetcars under such terms and conditions as thecity may lawfully prescribe; and such cities are hereby empoweredand authorized to condemn and pay for any or all such publicimprovements so constructed or acquired, together with thenecessary lands, rights-of-way, easements, leaseholds, otherproperty and rights, upon which any such bridge, viaduct or itsapproach are now or may hereafter be constructed, operated andmaintained, in the manner aforesaid, either in whole or in partout of the general funds of the city, in whole or in part out ofmoney raised from the sale of municipal bonds for that purpose,in whole or in part by special assessments.
(RSMo 1939 § 8559, A.L. 1945 p. 1488)Prior revisions: 1929 § 14844; 1919 § 13815