234.320. In the event the whole or any part of the cost ofsuch bridge or viaduct or the approaches thereto, or theright-of-way therefor, or any interest therein, or any otherproperty and rights upon which any such bridge, viaduct or itsapproaches are now or may hereafter be constructed, operated andmaintained, shall be sought to be condemned by such city and paidfor by special assessments against any private property, subjectto special assessment as may now or hereafter be prescribed bythe charter of such city, the common council, or two houses oflegislation, of such city shall so declare by ordinance, and thecity, if it so desires, may proceed with such condemnation in themanner now prescribed or which hereafter may be prescribed by thecharter of such city for the taking or damaging of privateproperty for public use; but no part of such structure sought tobe condemned shall be removed by the owner thereof, and it shallnot be necessary to file detailed plans of such structure withsuch proceedings, but a general description of such structure maybe made in the ordinance. All special assessments shall be madeand collected in accordance with the charter provisions abovereferred to.
(RSMo 1939 § 8560)Prior revisions: 1929 § 14845; 1919 § 13816