234.340. All cities in this state having one hundredthousand inhabitants or over are hereby given the power andauthority to build or acquire, by purchase, lease, gift orotherwise, within their corporate limits or within a reasonabledistance outside thereof, a bridge or bridges, or a tunnel ortunnels, for public use by railroads, streetcars, vehicles of allkinds and pedestrians, over or under rivers and streams inMissouri or those forming a boundary between this and otherstates, and to acquire, hold, use and retain, by purchase, lease,gift or otherwise, land to be used for approaches for and in theconstruction, operation and maintenance of said bridge orbridges, tunnel or tunnels, in this and other states, and tomaintain, use and operate said bridge or bridges, tunnel ortunnels, either as toll or free bridges or tunnels, as may bysaid cities be deemed expedient.
(RSMo 1939 § 7574) Prior revisions: 1929 § 7431; 1919 § 8839; 1909 § 9688