237.210. Any city, town or other municipal corporation may,for a just compensation, in its discretion, lease to any owner orassociation of owners of any steamboat, or boats, or vessels, anyportion of the wharf or landing of such city or town, for a termof years, for the purpose of maintaining wharf boats thereat forthe accommodation of steamboats and merchants and others in thereception and discharge of freights; provided, that no part ofany wharf or landing shall be so leased for the use of anyparticular owner of any boat or boats, or association of ownersof boats, if such lease shall give to such owner or associationof owners a monopoly of said portion of such wharf or landing, orwork a serious injury or inconvenience to other owners of boatslanding at such wharf or landing.
(RSMo 1939 § 15309)Prior revisions: 1929 § 14221; 1919 § 5562; 1909 § 6505