238.212. 1. If the petition was filed by registered voters or by agoverning body, the circuit clerk in whose office the petition was filedshall give notice to the public by causing one or more newspapers ofgeneral circulation serving the counties or portions thereof contained inthe proposed district to publish once a week for four consecutive weeks anotice substantially in the following form:
Notice is hereby given to all persons residing or owning property in(here specifically describe the proposed district boundaries), within thestate of Missouri, that a petition has been filed asking that upon voterapproval, a transportation development district by the name of"................. Transportation Development District" be formed for thepurpose of developing the following transportation project: (heresummarize the proposed transportation project or projects). The petitionalso requests voter approval of the following method(s) of funding thedistrict, which (may) (shall not) increase the total taxes imposed withinthe proposed district: (describe the proposed funding methods). A copy ofthis petition is on file and available at the office of the clerk of thecircuit court of ............. County, located at .................,Missouri. You are notified to join in or file your own petition supportingor answer opposing the creation of the transportation development districtand requesting a declaratory judgment, as required by law, no later thanthe ............ day of .............., 20.. . You may show cause, if anythere be, why such petition is defective or proposed transportationdevelopment district or its funding method, as set forth in the petition,is illegal or unconstitutional and should not be submitted for voterapproval at a general, primary or special election as directed by thiscourt. ..................................................................................................................Clerk of the Circuit Court of ........................ County
2. The circuit court may also order a public hearing on the questionof the creation and funding of the proposed district, if it deems suchappropriate, under such terms and conditions as it deems appropriate. Thecircuit court shall order at least one public hearing on the creation andfunding of the proposed district, if the petition for creating suchdistrict was filed by the owners of record of all real property within theproposed district. If a public hearing is ordered, notice of the time,date and place of the hearing shall also be given in the notice specifiedin subsection 1 of this section.
(L. 1990 S.B. 479 & 649 ยง 40, A.L. 1997 S.B. 303, A.L. 2009 H.B. 191)