238.257. 1. At any time during the existence of adistrict, the board may submit to the voters of the district aproposition to increase or decrease the number of projects whichit is authorized to complete.
2. If the board proposes to add one or more additionalprojects, the question shall be submitted in substantially thefollowing form:
Shall the ............. Transportation Development Districtfund or develop the following additional transportation project(or projects): (summarize the proposed project or projects),and have the power to fund the proposed project upon separatevoter approval by any or all of the following methods: (herespecifically describe the proposed funding methods and requireeach voter to approve or disapprove of each proposed fundingmethod)?
3. If the board proposes to discontinue a project, it shallfirst obtain approval from the commission if the proposedproject is intended to be merged into the state highways andtransportation system under the commission's jurisdiction orapproval from the local transportation authority if the proposedproject is intended to be merged into a local transportationsystem under the local authority's jurisdiction. If suchapproval is obtained, then the question shall be submitted tothe district's voters in substantially the following form:
Shall the ............... Transportation DevelopmentDistrict discontinue development of the following transportationproject: (summarize the transportation project), for the reasonthat (describe the reason why the transportation project cannotbe completed as approved)?
4. The board may modify the project previously approved bythe district voters, if the modification is approved by thecommission and, where appropriate, a local transportationauthority.
(L. 1990 S.B. 479 & 649 ยง 58)Effective 5-30-90