238.302. Wherever used in sections 238.300 to 238.367, the followingterms mean:
(1) "Board", the board of directors of the corporation;
(2) "Commission", the Missouri highways and transportationcommission;
(3) "Corporation" or "transportation corporation", anytransportation corporation organized under sections 238.300 to 238.367;
(4) "Local transportation authority", a county, city, town, village,county highway commission, special road district, interstate compactagency, or any local public authority or political subdivision havingjurisdiction over any bridge, street, highway, dock, wharf, ferry, lake orriver port, airport, railroad, light rail or other transit improvement orservice;
(5) "Pay", paying a toll by cash, by permitting a charge against avalid account with the authority or by another means of payment approved bythe corporation at the time;
(6) "Photo monitoring system", a vehicle sensor installed to work inconjunction with a toll collection facility which automatically producesone or more photographs, one or more microphotographs, a videotape or otherrecorded images of each vehicle at the time it is used or operated inviolation of toll collection regulations;
(7) "Project" includes any bridge, street, road, highway, accessroad, interchange, intersection, signing, signalization, parking lot, busstop, station, garage, terminal, hangar, shelter, rest area, dock, wharf,lake or river port, airport, railroad, light rail, or other mass transitand any similar or related improvement or infrastructure;
(8) "Toll" or "tolls", charges prescribed by the corporation for theuse of its property;
(9) "Toll collection regulations", those rules and regulations of acorporation providing for and requiring the payment of tolls for the use ofbridges under its jurisdiction or those rules and regulations of acorporation making it unlawful to refuse to pay or to evade or to attemptto evade the payment of all or part of any toll for the use of bridgesunder the jurisdiction of the corporation;
(10) "Vehicle" or "motor vehicle", every device in, upon or by whicha person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a highwayexcept devices used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
(L. 1990 S.B. 479 & 649 ยง 11, A.L. 1997 S.B. 67)