238.335. 1. The commission is authorized to condemn landsfor the corporation in the name of the state of Missouri, uponprior approval by the commission as to the necessity for thetaking, the description of the parcel, and the interest taken inthat parcel.
2. If condemnation becomes necessary, the commission shallact for the corporation under chapter 523, RSMo, and may condemna fee simple or other interest in land.
3. Whenever a corporation undertakes any project whichresults in the acquisition of real property or in any person orpersons being displaced from their homes, businesses, or farms,the commission shall act for the corporation to providerelocation assistance and to make relocation payments to suchdisplaced persons and to do such other acts and follow suchprocedures as would be necessary to comply with the federalUniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property AcquisitionPolicies Act of 1970, as amended.
4. The corporation after prior notice to the owner mayenter upon private property to survey and determine the mostadvantageous route and design. The corporation shall be liablefor all damages done to the property by such inspection.
5. Any person who involuntarily transfers any interest inland to a corporation which becomes insolvent and comes underthe jurisdiction of a court may reacquire that property bypaying to the corporation the total amount of the condemnationaward for that parcel, plus simple interest at the statutoryrate from the date of taking on the amount of that award, if theproject will not be completed by either the corporation or thecommission.
(L. 1990 S.B. 479 & 649 ยง 24)Effective 5-30-90