238.402. Any transit authority established pursuant tosection 238.400 shall have the following powers:
(1) To acquire by gift, purchase or lease, sell orotherwise dispose of, and to plan, construct, operate andmaintain, or lease to others for operation and maintenance, anyairports, rail systems, wharves, docks, harbors, and industrialparks adjacent to and necessary and convenient thereto, bridges,tunnels, warehouses, grain elevators, commodity and other storagefacilities, sewage disposal plants, passenger transportationfacilities, and air, water, rail, motor vehicle and otherterminal or parking facilities;
(2) To plan, construct, operate, maintain, or lease to orcontract with others for operation and maintenance of anyfacilities described in subdivision (1) of this section;
(3) To contract with municipalities or other politicalsubdivisions for the services or use of any facility owned oroperated by the transit authority, or owned or operated by anysuch municipality or other political subdivision;
(4) To borrow money and to issue the negotiable notes,bonds or other instruments in writing in evidence of the sum orsums to be borrowed;
(5) To issue negotiable refunding notes, bonds or otherinstruments in writing for the purpose of refunding, extending orunifying the whole or any part of its valid indebtedness fromtime to time outstanding, whether evidenced by notes, bonds orother instruments in writing;
(6) To provide that all negotiable notes, bonds or otherinstruments in writing issued either pursuant to subdivision (4)or pursuant to subdivision (5) of this section shall be payable,both as to principal and interest, out of the revenues collectedfor the use of any facility or combination of facilities owned oroperated by the transit authority or out of any other resourcesof the transit authority, and may be further secured by amortgage or deed of trust upon any property owned by the transitauthority. All notes, bonds or other instruments in writingissued by the transit authority shall mature in not to exceedthirty years from the date thereof, shall bear interest at a ratenot exceeding fourteen percent per annum, and shall be sold fornot less than ninety-five percent of the par value thereof. Thetransit authority may prescribe the details of such notes, bondsor other instruments in writing, and of the issuance and salethereof, and may enter into covenants with the holders of suchnotes, bonds or other instruments in writing, not inconsistentwith the powers granted in sections 238.400 to 238.412 to thetransit authority, without further legislative authority;
(7) To condemn any and all rights or property, of any kindor character in accordance with applicable provisions of* sections26, 27, and 28 of article I of the Constitution of Missouri,necessary for the operation of facilities of the transitauthority, except that no rights or property of any kind orcharacter, now or hereafter owned, leased, controlled, operatedor used, in whole or in part, by any common carrier engaged ininterstate commerce shall be taken or appropriated by the transitauthority without first obtaining the written consent andapproval of such common carrier. The transit authority shallfollow the procedure provided by the laws of the state ofMissouri for the appropriation of land or other property takenfor telegraph, telephone or railroad rights-of-way;
(8) To contract and to be contracted with, and to sue andto be sued in contract;
(9) To charge and collect fees for use of the facilitiesowned or operated by it;
(10) To receive for its lawful activities any contributionsor moneys appropriated by municipalities, counties, the state orany other political subdivisions or agencies, or by the federalgovernment or any agency or officer thereof, and to levy andcollect proceeds of the sales tax established in section 238.410;
(11) To disburse funds for its lawful activities, and tofix salaries and wages of its officers and employees; and
(12) To invest funds not needed for immediate disbursementin property or securities in the same manner as excess funds maybe invested by any other political subdivision.
(L. 1991 S.B. 235 ยง 2)*Word "of" does not appear in original rolls.