242.190. 1. In order to effect the drainage, protection andreclamation of the land and other property in the districtsubject to tax, the board of supervisors is authorized andempowered to clean out, straighten, widen, change the course andflow, alter or deepen any ditch, drain, river, watercourse, pond,lake, creek, bayou or natural stream in or out of said district;to fill up any creek, drain, channel, river, watercourse ornatural stream; and to concentrate, divert or divide the flow ofwater in or out of said district; to construct and maintain mainand lateral ditches, canals, levees, dikes, dams, sluices,revetments, reservoirs, holding basins, floodways, pumpingstations and syphons and any other works and improvements deemednecessary to preserve and maintain the works in or out of saiddistrict; to construct or enlarge or cause to be constructed orenlarged any and all bridges that may be needed in or out of saiddistrict across any drain, ditch, canal, floodway, holding basin,excavation, public highway, railroad right-of-way, tract, grade,fill or cut; to construct roadways over levees and embankments;to construct any and all of said works and improvements across,through or over any public highway, railroad right-of-way, track,grade, fill or cut in or out of said district; to remove anyfence, building or other improvements in or out of said district,and shall have the right to hold, control and acquire by donationor purchase and, if need be, condemn any land, easement, railroadright-of-way, sluice, reservoir, holding basin or franchise in orout of said district for right-of-way, holding basin or for anyof the purposes herein provided, or for material to be used inconstructing and maintaining said works and improvements fordraining, protecting and reclaiming the lands in said district.
2. The board of supervisors shall also have the power andauthority to hold and control all water power created by theconstruction of works of the district, and shall have power toconstruct and maintain hydroelectric power plant or plants forthe purpose of developing such power for the use of the district,and to use any funds in the treasury of the district nototherwise appropriated for the construction and maintenance ofsuch power plant or plants, and the board may lease any surpluspower in excess of that required for the uses of the district,and the proceeds of such lease or leases shall be placed in thetreasury of the district.
3. The board may condemn for the use of the district, anyland or property within or without the district not acquired orcondemned by the court on the report of the commissionersassessing benefits and damages and shall follow the procedurethat is now provided by law for the appropriation of land orother property taken for telegraph, telephone and railroadrights-of-way.
4. The board of supervisors may invest any funds notimmediately required for the payment of the operating expenses ofthe district in the following:
(1) Bonds, notes or certificates of indebtedness which aredirect obligations of the United States or bonds or otherindebtedness, the principal and interest of which areunconditionally guaranteed by the United States;
(2) Accounts of any savings and loan association organizedunder the laws of this state or another state, or the UnitedStates, which holds a certificate of insurance from the FederalSavings and Loan Insurance Corporation;
(3) Savings accounts and time deposits, including timecertificates of deposit in banking institutions.
(RSMo 1939 § 12349, A.L. 1969 H.B. 53)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10768; 1919 § 4402; 1909 § 5513
Bi-state development agency, bonds of, investment in authorized, RSMo 70.377
Multinational banks, securities and obligations of, investment in, when, RSMo 490.950
Savings accounts in insured savings and loan associations, investment in authorized, RSMo 369.194