242.290. If, after determining the objections made to thecommissioners' report, the court shall find that the estimatedcosts of works and improvements as reported by the board ofcommissioners, or as amended by the court, exceed the estimatedbenefits, the court shall then render its decree, declaring theincorporation of the district to be dissolved as soon as allcosts incurred, which shall include court costs and allobligations and expenses incurred in behalf of the district bythe board of supervisors shall have been paid, and if the uniformtax levied under the provisions of section 242.430 be foundinsufficient to pay all such costs, the board of supervisorsshall make such additional uniform tax levies as will benecessary to pay such deficiency; provided, that in estimatingthe cost of constructing the works and improvements of thedistrict the amount of interest that might accrue upon bonds thatmay be issued by the board of supervisors under the provisions ofsections 242.010 to 242.690 shall not be considered as a part ofthe cost of construction.
(RSMo 1939 § 12362)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10781; 1919 § 4413