243.200. 1. The county commission may, when the same isnecessary for the public health, convenience or welfare, cause tobe constructed or enlarged any bridge or culvert made necessaryby the crossing of any ditch constructed by a district organizedunder the provisions of this chapter; provided, however, that ifsuch bridge or culvert shall belong to any corporation other thanthe county, the county clerk shall give such corporation noticeby delivering to its agent the order of the commission declaringthe necessity for constructing or enlarging such bridge orculvert. A failure to construct or enlarge such bridge orculvert within the time specified shall be taken as a refusal todo said work, and thereupon the county commission shall proceedto let the work of constructing or enlarging the same, and assessthe corporation with the cost thereof, and the county clerk shallplace such assessment on the tax book against said corporation,and it shall be a lien upon the property of the corporation, tobe collected as taxes. But before the county commission shalllet such work, they shall give to the agent of such corporationat least twenty days' actual notice of the time and place ofletting such work.
2. When a bridge has been constructed across a drainageditch that crosses any public highway in this state, that shallbe adjudged sufficiently by the county commission of the countyin which said drainage district is organized, such bridge shallbecome a part of such highway and shall thereafterwards bemaintained, repaired or replaced by the authority authorized bylaw to maintain the road of which it becomes a part.
(RSMo 1939 § 12427)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10837; 1919 § 4505; 1909 § 5611