243.240. 1. It shall be the duty of the several countycommissions of this state to maintain the efficiency of thedrainage districts now or hereafter organized and existing underand by virtue of the provisions of this chapter and suchcommissions are vested with the continuous management and controlof said districts with the duty and power of maintaining,preserving, restoring, repairing, strengthening and replacing thedrains, ditches and levees thereof.
2. For the purpose of maintaining said ditches, drains andlevees, all of the drainage districts in a county on a petitionfiled by a majority of the landowners owning the majority of theacres of land in each district of such county, may be treated andadministered as a unit for such purpose in conformity with allthe provisions of sections 243.220 to 243.240, 243.280, 243.330,and 243.380.
(RSMo 1939 § 12433)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10843; 1919 § 4511