243.270. A drainage district may contract with any city,town or village to furnish an outlet for the drainage of suchcity, town or village, through any ditch, drain or watercourseconstructed, or to be constructed by the drainage district, forsuch compensation to be paid by such city, town or village as maybe agreed upon, which compensation shall inure to the benefit ofsuch drainage district, either in improving its ditches, or indiminishing the original cost thereof, or in retiring bonds ofthe district, or in such way as the county commission shalldetermine to be just and fair; and thereafter said city, town orvillage, and the inhabitants thereof, shall have and enjoy allthe rights of said drainage that other property owners may haveand enjoy.
(RSMo 1939 § 12428)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10838; 1919 § 4506; 1909 § 5627