243.280. Whenever there exists no immediate need for the useof the dredge boat, tools and other machinery authorized to bepurchased by section 243.330 by districts contributing to thepurchase thereof, then it shall be lawful for the countycommission to lease or rent the same to any drainage or leveedistrict for the doing of work in such county, upon such termsand conditions as said county commission shall by order of recordimpose; provided, however, that such county commission shall notlease or rent the same beyond a reasonable time; and providedfurther, that at least a reasonable rental value of same, or anamount sufficient to take care of all necessary repairs anddepreciations caused and occasioned by the doing of the workcontemplated, shall be first agreed upon and such amount paidinto the general fund created by section 243.330 for the purchaseof such dredge boat, tools and other machinery before same shallbe so leased or rented.
(RSMo 1939 § 12437)Prior revision: 1929 § 10847