243.450. 1. Two or more districts organized under theprovisions of this chapter, may come within, and operate undersections 242.010 to 242.690, RSMo, and portions of two or moredistricts organized under the provisions of this chapter may cometogether and operate under sections 242.010 to 242.690, RSMo,whenever the owners of one-fourth of the acres of land in theproposed consolidated district sign and present a petition to thecircuit court of the county in which there lies the greatestacreage of land in the proposed consolidated district, statingtherein:
(1) The numbers or corporate name or names of such districtor districts to be included in whole or in part;
(2) The boundaries of each district or portion of districtseparately;
(3) The boundary lines of the proposed consolidateddistrict;
(4) The approximate number of acres of land in each districtor portion of district;
(5) The approximate number of acres of land in the proposedconsolidated district;
(6) The approximate amount of the benefits reported andapportioned by the viewers and confirmed by the county commissionin each district or portion of district;
(7) The aggregate amount of such benefits as ascertained,apportioned and confirmed;
(8) The amount of bonds issued, by each district, giving theamount, dates, numbers, denominations, maturities, rate ofinterest, and where payable;
(9) The aggregate amount thereof; and
(10) The number of years it is to continue.
2. In such petition it shall be asked that the court adjudgesuch districts or portions of districts to be a body corporate,for a number of years not exceeding the time named in thepetition, and under the name of "Consolidated Drainage DistrictNo. ..... of ......... County, Missouri".
(RSMo 1939 § 12446, A.L. 1963 p. 394, A.L. 1986 S.B. 488)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10856; 1919 § 4523