243.475. 1. Any district organized under the provisions ofthis chapter may become consolidated with a district organizedunder the provisions of chapter 242, RSMo, and the resultingconsolidated district may operate under the provisions ofsections 242.010 to 242.690, RSMo, whenever the owners of amajority of the acres of the district operating under chapter242, RSMo, together with the owners of a majority of the acres ofthe district with which such district desires to be consolidated,sign and present a petition to the circuit court of the county inwhich there lies the greatest acreage of land in the proposedconsolidated district, stating therein:
(1) The number or corporate name of each district;
(2) The boundaries of each district, separately stated;
(3) The boundary lines of the proposed consolidateddistrict;
(4) The number of acres in each district;
(5) The amount of assessed benefits in each district;
(6) The amount of bonds outstanding in each district, givingthe annual dates, numbers, denominations*, maturities, rate ofinterest, dates of future payments and when payable; and
(7) The number of years the consolidated district is tocontinue.
The petition shall request the circuit court to adjudge theconsolidated district to become a body corporation for a numberof years not exceeding the time named in the petition and underthe name of Consolidated Drainage District No. .... of ........County, Missouri.
2. Upon the filing of the petition provided for insubsection 1 of this section, the circuit clerk shall give noticeof such filing in the manner provided for giving notice insection 242.030, RSMo, which notice shall state the contents ofthe petition, the objects sought by the petition, and the date onwhich the petition is to be heard. Any person owning land ineither of the districts which are the subject of the petitionmay, on or before the date set out in the notice on which thematter is set to be heard, file objections to the consolidation.If the objections made under this subsection are overruled, or ifno objections are made, the court shall order that the districtsasking to be consolidated shall be consolidated as one districtunder the designation requested in the petition, with all therights, powers and privileges of districts organized undersections 242.010 to 242.690, RSMo, and:
(1) The lands so included in the new district shall besubject to all liens, liabilities and obligations of the originaldistricts; except that, if any district included in theconsolidated district shall have issued bonds which areoutstanding at the time of the consolidation under this section,the taxes levied to pay such bonds, and the interest thereon,shall be an obligation on only the property within such originaldistrict;
(2) A new board of supervisors shall be elected as providedin sections 242.010 to 242.690, RSMo, for the election ofsupervisors;
(3) All orders made in regard to the extension of time,boundaries or consolidating districts shall be spread on therecords of the circuit court and a certified copy thereof shallbe filed with the recorder of deeds of each county in which anyland of the consolidated district is located and with thesecretary of state.
3. The recorder of deeds of each county shall receive a feeof one dollar for filing and preserving each certified copy oforders described in subdivision (3) of subsection 2 of thissection.
(L. 1985 H.B. 660 ยง 1, A.L. 1986 S.B. 488)*Word "demonstrations" appears in original rolls.