243.530. 1. The repeal of article 4, chapter 41, RSMo 1909,shall not have the effect of suspending, abating, abridging,impairing, vitiating, or nullifying any right, power, remedy, orlien heretofore given, created or conferred upon any drainagedistrict heretofore organized or in process of organization atthe time of passage of this chapter, under any law of this state,but all such rights, powers, remedies and liens are herebydirectly preserved to all such drainage districts; nor shall therepealing of existing laws have the effect of suspending,abridging, abating or nullifying any proceeding or proceedingsnow pending in any court of this state or of the United States;nor shall the repealing of existing laws have the effect ofimpairing, invalidating, discharging, changing, modifying ordestroying any obligation, contract or undertaking, entered intoby, or with any drainage district now organized and existingunder any law in this state, but all such obligations, contractsand undertakings so entered into shall be and remain inviolate.
2. All rights, powers, liens and remedies now existing inbehalf of any drainage district of this state may be enforced andmade available under the provisions of this chapter, ifapplicable, at the election of the drainage district. Thischapter is hereby declared to be remedial in character andpurposes, and shall be liberally construed by the courts incarrying out this legislative intent and purpose.
(RSMo 1939 § 12454)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10864; 1919 § 4531