243.550. Whenever the owners of twenty-five percent or more of theacreage of the lands in the district shall file a petition with the countycommission stating that there has been a material change in the values of theproperty in the district since the last previous assessment of benefits orreadjustment of the assessment of benefits and praying for a readjustment ofthe assessment of benefits for the purpose of making a more equitable basisfor the levy of the maintenance tax or for the purpose of levying a new tax topay the costs of the completion of the proposed works and improvements asshown in any supplemental plan for reclamation, or for both of the aforesaidpurposes, the county commission shall give notice of the filing and hearing ofthe petition by posting such notice in a prominent place in the court houseand by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the county once aweek for at least four consecutive weeks, the last insertion to be at leastfifteen days prior to the hearing of the petition. The notice may be in thefollowing form:
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the lands andproperty included within the ................ district that a petition hasbeen filed in the office of the county commission of ................. County,.................., praying for a readjustment of the assessment of benefitsfor the purpose(s) of. ...................., and that the petition will beheard by the county commission on the ............. day of ..........., 20..
Clerk of .............. County
Upon hearing of the petition if the county commission finds that there hasbeen a material change in the values of property in the district since thelast previous assessment of benefits, the county commission shall order thatthere be made a readjustment of the assessment of benefits for the purpose ofproviding a basis upon which to levy the maintenance tax of the district orfor the purpose of levying a new tax to pay the costs of the completion of theproposed works and improvements as shown in any supplemental plan forreclamation, or for both of the aforesaid purposes.
(L. 1993 S.B. 56 ยง 243.550 subsec. 1)