244.060. Said circuit court shall hear all such objectionsin a summary manner and without unnecessary delay, and should itfind that no objection should be sustained, the court shallapprove and confirm said report, but if the court shall find thatany or all of the exceptions or objections should be sustained,it shall render its decree accordingly. All additional costsincurred by hearing and determining such objections shall beapportioned by the circuit court to the landowners in proportionto the objections sustained or overruled. If the report of thecommissioners as confirmed, or as modified, shows that thedamages and cost of necessary crossings exceed the amounttendered, under the provisions of section 244.020, to the owneror owners of the land traversed by the works, the total courtcost of the case, including fees and expenses of commissioners,shall be paid by the petitioner or petitioners, but if the amountof such items be not greater than the tendered amount the costshall be paid by the objectors.
(RSMo 1939 § 12460, A.L. 1945 p. 852)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10870; 1919 § 4565