245.470. At such meeting the reports and estimates of theengineer and the assessment of the assessors shall be laid beforethe landowners present estimating the probable cost of said work,and the probable rate percent therefor on the valuation of thesaid lands as increased by the said work, and a vote shall betaken whether or not the work shall be done; provided, that anylandowner in the district to be benefited by the work may berepresented and his vote cast at such meeting by his agent orattorney, and in order to determine whether such work shall bedone it shall require a majority of the votes of the landownersof the district present in person or by proxy casting a vote infavor of the work, and at all meetings held under sections245.285 to 245.545, every landowner may be represented and hisvote cast for or against the work by his agent, attorney orproxy.
(RSMo 1939 § 12564)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10974; 1919 § 4666; 1909 § 5729