246.110. Upon making of the order provided for in section 246.100, itshall be the duty of the secretary to have printed tax anticipation warrants,with an interest coupon attached for each year same shall run, which shall bein the following form:
TAX ANTICIPATION WARRANT. $ ..... ..... district No...... ..... County ..... state of Missouri, Issued ..... Due ..... . Thetreasurer of ..... district will pay at maturity, of the sum of .....dollars and will pay at maturity of attached interest coupons, the amount ofinterest called for thereon, to ..... or the legal holder hereof, out of themaintenance fund of the district, upon due and proper endorsement andpresentment. (Seal) ............. district.
Secretary.................................................................. Interest
Interest Coupon No. ............... $...........
Tax anticipation warrant No. ..... Principalamount $ .......... issued ..........., 20.... . Interest coupon due........, 20 ..., at rate of ...... percent.
The treasurer of ...... district will pay to ...... or the legal holderof the tax anticipation warrant, upon due endorsement and presentment of thiscoupon, the sum of ...... dollars, out of the maintenance fund of thedistrict. (Seal) ............ district.
(RSMo 1939 § 12617)Prior revision: 1929 § 11028