248.020. 1. The circuit court or courts so petitioned arehereby authorized to appoint three disinterested persons, one ofwhom shall be a civil engineer or surveyor, as commissioners tolay out and define the boundaries of the proposed sanitarydistrict.
2. Said commissioners may alter or amend the boundaries ofthe proposed district, as set forth in the petition or petitions,so that it may embrace all of the area capable of beingefficiently drained by the common outlet or channel, or by thesystem of sewers or drains, or so as to exclude from the sanitarydistrict any part of the natural drainage area which is sosituated as not to be benefited by the proposed sanitarydrainage, and for this purpose they shall have power to have madeall surveys and maps necessary to locate and describe the saidboundaries.
3. Said commissioners shall qualify by taking oath tofaithfully and impartially perform their duties, and when soqualified shall give notice by publication at least five times,in one or more newspapers having a general circulation in theproposed district, of the time and place where they will meet toconsider and establish said boundaries. Said notice shall begiven at least twenty days prior to the meeting and the meetingplace shall be in the courthouse of the county, or city hall ofthe city.
4. At the meeting the commissioner first named in the orderof appointment shall preside, and all persons residing or owningreal property in such proposed district, or adjacent thereto,shall have the right to be heard as to the location of theboundaries of such proposed district; and the commissioners or amajority of them after such hearing shall fix and determine theboundaries of the proposed district.
5. The commissioners may adjourn from day to day until thehearing shall be complete, and for their services shall receiveten dollars per day each, for each day of actual service. Theymay employ a competent person as stenographer and clerk, whosecompensation shall be five dollars per day.
(RSMo 1939 § 12477)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10887; 1919 § 4582; 1909 § 5688