248.050. 1. When the board of trustees provided for insection 248.070 shall be appointed and organized, such sanitarydistrict shall be considered in law and equity a body corporateand politic, known by the name and style of "The SanitaryDistrict of .........", and by such name and style may sue and besued, contract and be contracted with, acquire and hold realestate and personal property necessary for corporate purposes,and adopt a common seal.
2. All courts in this state shall take judicial notice ofthe existence of all sanitary districts organized under thischapter.
3. If the proposition to establish the sanitary district iscarried, the cost of all preliminary proceedings shall be borneby the district; if it is defeated, all costs of court, ofcommissioners and of the election shall be borne by the city andcounty, if of independent jurisdiction, each being liable for allexpenses in regard to proceedings under its petitions. If itsjurisdiction is single, the county commission shall pay for allsaid expenses.
(RSMo 1939 § 12477)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10887; 1919 § 4582; 1909 § 5688