249.050. Immediately after the report of the engineer hasbeen filed it shall be the duty of the court to fix a time atwhich it will hear objections as provided in section 249.060 andit shall be the duty of the clerk of the circuit court to cause anotice thereof to be published in some newspaper of generalcirculation in the county wherein the proceedings are pending.Such notice shall be published once a week for three consecutiveweeks and shall be substantially as follows:
Notice is hereby given to all persons owning property withinthe district bounded as follows: (Here set out boundaries givenin report of engineer.)
That there has been filed in this office a petition for theorganization of a ......... sewer district (describing the type)under the provisions of (here name this act or the appropriateRevised Statute of Missouri); that the duly appointed engineerhas made and filed his report in this office and that propertywithin the above described boundaries will be affected by theformation of the proposed sewer district and be rendered liableto taxation for the purpose of paying the expenses of organizingand incorporating the district and making and maintaining theimprovements that may be found necessary for the construction andmaintenance of said sewer system, and you and each of you arehereby notified that you may examine said petition and report andfile exceptions to all or any part thereof on or before the dayset for the hearing being the ......... day of ......... .
Clerk of the circuit court of ......... County,
(RSMo 1939 ยง 12641)