249.1100. 1. Except as otherwise provided in section 30(a) ofarticle VI of the Missouri Constitution, regardless of being a sewerdistrict pursuant to chapter 204, RSMo, or this chapter, when the governingbodies of two or more contiguous sewer districts located in any county ofthe first classification without a charter form of government having notless than one hundred seventy thousand and not more than two hundredthousand inhabitants determine that a consolidated sewer system wouldbetter serve the area within their boundaries, the governing bodies shallsubmit the proposal for a consolidated sewer district to the governing bodyof such county. The governing body of the county after consultation withthe sewer engineer pursuant to section 204.300, RSMo, and section 249.460,shall by resolution submit the question of creating a consolidated sewerdistrict to all qualified voters residing within each existing district ata municipal or general or special election called for that purpose.
2. The resolution shall set forth the project name for the proposedconsolidated sewer district, the general nature of the proposedconsolidated sewer district, the estimated cost of the sewer improvementsfor such consolidated sewer district, the boundaries of the existingdistricts to be consolidated, the proposed method or methods of assessment,and a statement that the final cost of such sewer improvements assessedagainst property within the consolidated sewer district and the amount ofgeneral obligation bonds issued therefor shall not exceed the estimatedcost of such sewer improvements, as stated in such notice, by more thantwenty-five percent.
(L. 2001 H.B. 501)