249.1112. 1. A sewer district created pursuant to sections 249.1100to 249.1127 shall have a board of directors which shall consist of fivemembers, appointed by the governing body of the county in which theconsolidated sewer district is located. Each member shall be a UnitedStates citizen, a registered voter, over the age of twenty-five years andshall have been a resident within the consolidated sewer district for onewhole year prior to appointment.
2. The board shall be responsible for the control and operation ofall such sewer districts organized pursuant to section 249.1106.
3. Beginning with appointments made after August 28, 2001, one membershall be appointed for four years, two members shall be appointed for threeyears and two members shall be appointed for two years. Following theinitial appointments, the term of each board member shall be five years.
4. A vacancy in the office of a member shall be filled by appointmentin the same manner as the original appointments.
5. No member of the board shall be entitled to any compensation forthe performance of the member's official duties, but each member shall bereimbursed for necessary and actual expenses incurred in the performance ofthe member's official duties by the consolidated sewer district. The boardmembers shall be reimbursed by the district for all reasonable expensesincurred in the performance of their duties.
(L. 2001 H.B. 501)