249.138. 1. In the event that any proposition for theincurring of indebtedness fails of adoption in the electionprovided in section 249.070 or provided in section 249.136, then,at any time not less than six months thereafter, and subsequentlyat intervals of not less than six months, upon a resolution ofthe board of trustees of such district providing therefor, theproposition of incurring such indebtedness may be again submittedto the voters of such district at an election to be called andheld and the results thereof declared by the board of trustees asprovided in section 249.136.
2. If at the election called by the circuit court pursuantto section 249.070 hereof, a proposition for the incurrence of anindebtedness by the district shall have been submitted and shallhave failed of adoption and further if substantially the sameproposition shall have been again submitted at an election calledpursuant to this section and shall have again failed, the circuitcourt of the county in which such district was organized shallhave the power, upon motion of the board of trustees of suchdistrict therefor or upon petition therefor signed by twenty-fiveor more persons residing within such district and owning propertytherein which would be liable for taxes for sewers constructedtherein, to enter a decree declaring such district to bedisincorporated. A certified copy of such decree shall be filedin the office of the recorder of deeds of such county and withthe secretary of state.
(L. 1951 p. 627 ยงยง 249.103, 249.105)