249.290. In order to provide a sewer system for the landsand other property and improvements in the district, the board oftrustees is hereby authorized and empowered to construct andmaintain trunk lines, mains, submains, and lateral sewers,outlets for sewerage and any and all other structures, systems,works and things, and to contract with other districts,municipalities, other public agencies, individuals,copartnerships and corporations for the construction, use ormaintenance of common or joint sewers, drains, outlets anddisposal plants, and for the use of existing sewer facilities,and to do all things deemed necessary or advisable to make aneffective and complete sewer system and to preserve and maintainthe same in the district, to construct any and all said works andimprovements across, through or over any public highway,railroad, right-of-way, tract, grade, fill or cut, and any otherright-of-way or easement in the district; to remove any fence,building or other improvement in the district, and shall have theright to hold, control and acquire by donation or purchase, andif need be, shall have full power to condemn any and all rightsor property, either public or private, of every kind andcharacter necessary for the purposes aforesaid, and in so doing,shall follow the procedure taken for telegraph, telephone orrailroad rights-of-way. The district shall not be limited to theplan of and the location of the system of sewers set out in thereport of the engineer provided in section 249.040, but mayinclude such other and additional work as the board of trusteesmay deem to be advisable; nor shall the cost of such work belimited to the probable cost of the improvement set out in theengineer's report provided by section 249.040 but may be inexcess thereof.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 12658, A.L. 1951 p. 627, A.L. 1953 p. 543)CROSS REFERENCE:
Contractual agreements among political subdivisions for common facilities and services, proceedings, RSMo 70.210 to 70.320