249.310. It shall be the duty of such board of trustees tosupervise the maintenance of such sewer system constructed underits supervision, or as may hereafter under proper authority beplaced under its supervision, and to see that sewer system orsystems be maintained in good condition; provided, however, thatsuch board of trustees may, whenever in the opinion of said boardof trustees it may become necessary, employ a person or persons,firm or corporation, of its selection, to do and perform suchrepair services as may be necessary to maintain said sewer systemor systems in good condition, and may, if in the judgment of theboard of trustees the occasion demands, employ an engineer toplan and supervise any such repairs; however, such board oftrustees shall not have authority to expend within one year formaintenance purposes, including expenses of said district, morethan the amount of the maintenance tax provided for in section249.130.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 12671)