249.360. The board shall subdivide the district intoconvenient subdistricts not larger than one thousand acres inextent, and prescribe the boundaries thereof within which thesewers and drains necessary to complete the drainage shall beconstructed at the expense of the subdistrict when organized, asprovided in sections 249.370 to 249.420, but no lands within theboundaries of an incorporated city shall be included in any suchsubdistrict without the consent of such city expressed byresolution or ordinance of the governing legislative bodythereof. When such plans are completed for such subdistricts andfiled, the board of trustees may adopt them by resolution, andsuch resolution, when published in one or more newspapers havinga general circulation in the sewer district, shall be bindingupon all persons, firms and corporations; and nothing shall bedone affecting the drainage and disposition of sewage outside ofcities in the district, other than ordinary farm or agriculturaldrains, inconsistent with such plan, without the permission ofthe board of trustees as evidenced by the records of proceedingsthereof.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 12663)