249.400. For the purpose of raising funds for the payment ofinterest on and principal of such bonds and for the maintenanceand repairs of said lateral sewers, the board of trustees shallhave the power to impose and collect an annual rental charge fromthe owners of all real estate abutting said lateral sewers,including the owners of public property devoted to public use.The annual rental charge shall be apportioned according to theassessed valuation of each tract and parcel of such property, andthe assessor of the county shall separately assess that portionof such tracts and parcels of property as lie within suchsubdistrict, and he shall also assess and enter upon the recordsof his office the assessed valuation of all such property in suchsubdistrict, including school property, public or private,whether or not such property is otherwise exempt from taxation.The total amount of annual rental charges to be imposed shall notexceed the estimated amount necessary to be imposed to providefunds sufficient to pay the interest on and the principal of suchbonds, plus the estimated cost of maintenance as fixed by theboard of trustees. Such rental charges may be imposed orcollected in semiannual or quarterly installments as the board oftrustees may direct, and shall be a lien upon such property fromthe date they are imposed by the board of trustees.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 12667, A.L. 1951 p. 627)