249.470. 1. The county commission, after receiving therecommendations of the sewer engineer, may, by resolution, establish theboundaries of the sewer district or districts including therein only suchlots, tracts and parcels of ground which may be conveniently served by asewer, except that whenever the commission of a county of the firstclassification without a charter form of government deems that a countywidewastewater treatment authority would best serve the needs of such county,the commission may establish a countywide sewer district which shall besubject to the provisions of sections 249.430 to 249.660. The action ofthe county commission in determining the boundaries of said sewer districtsshall be conclusive, provided that, except as otherwise provided in thissection, no ground shall be included in a sewer district not contained inthe natural drainage area or watercourse, or may be conveniently servedthrough said sewer.
2. For each countywide wastewater treatment authority establishedpursuant to this section, the county commission of such county shall, byresolution, order, or ordinance, appoint five trustees, all of whom shallreside within the county. In the event there is more than one districtwithin the county organized pursuant to this chapter, no less number of thetrustees so appointed shall reside within the district having the greatestnumber of customers than reside in any other such district in the county.The trustees, whose terms shall begin on the date the authority isestablished, shall be responsible for the control and operation of thecountywide wastewater treatment authority and shall have the same powersand duties as the county commission as provided in this chapter. The termof each trustee shall be five years, except that, of the first boardappointed, one member shall serve for one year, one member shall serve fortwo years, one member shall serve for three years, one member shall servefor four years, and one member shall serve for five years. All vacanciesafter the initial appointment shall be filled by the county commission.The trustees shall be reimbursed by the district for all reasonableexpenses incurred in the performance of their duties, which amount shallnot exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars per month.
(L. 1941 p. 557 ยง 4, A.L. 1999 H.B. 450, A.L. 2000 H.B. 1238)