249.668. In all first class counties in which a charterform of government is adopted, the county commission, uponwritten request from all districts in the county, within sixtydays prior to the effective date of the new charter form ofgovernment, shall by resolution, order, or ordinance, appointfive trustees, the majority of whom shall reside within theboundaries of the district. In the event there is more than onedistrict within the county organized pursuant to this chapter themajority of the trustees appointed shall reside within thedistrict having the greatest number of customers. The trustees,whose term shall begin on the same date that the charter form ofgovernment becomes effective, shall be responsible for thecontrol and operation of all such sewer districts organizedpursuant to this chapter in the county, and shall have the samepowers and duties as the county commission as provided in thischapter. The term of each trustee shall be five years, exceptthat, of the first board appointed, one member shall serve forone year, one member shall serve for two years, one member shallserve for three years, one member shall serve for four years, andone member shall serve for five years. All vacancies after theinitial appointment shall be filled by the county executiveofficer with the concurrence of the governing body of the countyas constituted under the charter form of government. Thetrustees shall be reimbursed by the district for all reasonableexpenses incurred in the performance of their duties, whichamount shall not exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars per month.
(L. 1992 H.B. 1307 ยง 3)Effective 4-7-92