249.670. 1. Whenever any sewer district heretofore orhereafter incorporated in any county, now or hereafter having apopulation of not less than seven hundred thousand inhabitantsnor more than seven hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants, underany statute of this state heretofore or hereafter enacted is tobe dissolved under and pursuant to law, the governor shallappoint a liquidator of such sewer district. Such liquidatorshall qualify by taking an oath administered by the circuit courtclerk of said county, to faithfully perform the duties of hisoffice as liquidator of such sewer district, and shall give bondconditioned upon like performance in such penal sum as shall befixed by the circuit court. The governor shall have the power toremove such liquidator at will with or without cause and in theevent of such removal shall appoint a successor.
2. Such liquidator shall have all the powers and be chargedwith all the duties of the board of supervisors of such district,and shall have power by and with the approval of the circuitcourt to compromise any or all outstanding indebtedness of thesewer district; said liquidator shall have the power with theapproval of the court to contest the validity of any claimarising against such sewer district by the institution andprosecution or the defense of any action, and he shall likewisehave power, subject to the same approval, where the totaluncollected taxes levied by such sewer district exceeds theoutstanding indebtedness with interest, to compromise such taxesupon such basis as will provide for the payment of theoutstanding debts, with interest, taking into account the cost ofliquidation and, if a compromise of any indebtedness of thedistrict shall have been made, such compromise of taxes shalltake into account the reduction in the indebtedness made byreason of such compromise.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 12682, A.L. 1953 p. 541, A.L. 1961 p. 448)