249.740. Whenever any sewer district incorporated under thelaws of this state shall sue any delinquent taxpayer on accountof any tax levied by such sewer district, and if such sewerdistrict be exempt by law from securing or paying the court costsincident to such suit, then in all such cases all courts of thisstate before whom such suit may be hereafter heard shall takeinto consideration all of the facts and circumstances concerningthe levy of such tax and the bringing of such suit, the claimsmade in the district's petition, all matters of evidence and allfacts and circumstances touching the question of justice in thepremises, and the court may, in such cases, in its discretion andin furtherance of justice, abate, remit, waive or refuse to taxany court cost accrued in such case against such delinquenttaxpayer.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 12689)