249.761. For the purposes of sections 249.761 to 249.810, thefollowing words and terms mean:
(1) "Owner", for real property, the individual or individuals orentity or entities who own a fee interest in real property that is locatedwithin the sewer district and subject to charges for use and services ofthe sewer system or their legally authorized representative; for businessorganizations and other entities, the owner shall be deemed to be theindividual who is legally authorized to represent the entity with regard tothe sewer district;
(2) "Registered voters", persons who are qualified and registered tovote under chapter 115, RSMo, under the records of the election authorityhaving jurisdiction over the area in which the boundaries of the sewerdistrict are located, as of the thirtieth day prior to the date of theapplicable election;
(3) "Voters", registered voters who reside within a sewer district,or if fewer than five registered voters reside within a sewer district, theregistered voters and owners of real property located within the sewerdistrict per the tax records for real property of the county clerk, as ofthe thirtieth day prior to the date of the applicable election; provided,however, "voters" voting on the issuance of general obligation bonds meansregistered voters who reside within the sewer district and "voters" in anarea proposed to be annexed under section 249.807 means registered votersin the area proposed to be annexed.
(L. 2006 S.B. 802)Effective 5-19-06