249.787. 1. Before the tenth day of May of each year theboard of supervisors of any district organized under theprovisions of sections 249.760 to 249.810 shall make an estimateof the amounts required to defray the expenses of the district.
2. The estimates shall be certified by the secretary of theboard and filed by the clerk of the county in which the districtlies. Upon the basis of these estimates the county commissionshall levy an ad valorem tax on all taxable real property withinthe district sufficient to provide the necessary funds.
3. The clerk of the county commission shall enter the levieson the tax books in the same manner as school district taxes areentered, for the use of the county collector. The taxes thuslevied and extended upon the tax books shall be collected at thesame time and in the same manner as the taxes levied for stateand county purposes and the taxes when collected shall beremitted by the collector to the treasurer of the district.
(L. 1961 p. 451 ยง 12)