249.927. The governing body of any city with a population of threehundred fifty thousand or more inhabitants which is located in more thanone county, or the governing body of any county of the first classificationwithout a charter form of government that has a population of at least onehundred sixty thousand inhabitants, or the governing body of any county ofthe first classification without a charter form of government containing aportion of a city with a population of at least three hundred fiftythousand inhabitants, or the governing body of any county of the firstclassification without a charter form of government as of August 28, 1995,that has a population of more than one hundred five thousand but less thanone hundred twenty thousand inhabitants, may make, or cause to be made,improvements which confer a benefit upon property within a sewage or stormwater facility improvement district pursuant to sections 249.925 to249.955. The governing body of such city or county of the firstclassification may incur indebtedness and issue temporary notes and generalobligation bonds of such city or county pursuant to sections 249.925 to249.955 to pay for all or part of the cost of such improvements. Animprovement may be combined with one or more other improvements for thepurpose of issuing a single series of general obligation bonds to pay allor part of the cost of such improvements, but separate funds or accountsshall be established within the records of the city or county for eachimprovement as provided in section 249.953. The temporary notes andgeneral obligation bonds issued by the city or county shall be a debt ofthe sewage or storm water facility improvement district and such city orcounty shall assess assessments against each property deemed by thegoverning body of the city or county to be benefited by each suchimprovement pursuant to sections 249.929 to 249.933. The city or countyshall use the moneys collected from such assessments to reimburse such cityor county for all amounts paid or to be paid by it as principal of andinterest on its temporary notes and general obligation bonds issued forsuch improvements.
(L. 1995 H.B. 88 ยง 10)