250.040. The cost to any such city, town or village ofacquiring, constructing, improving or extending a sewerage systemor a combined waterworks and sewerage system may be met:
(1) Through the expenditure by any such city, town orvillage of any funds available for that purpose;
(2) Through the issuance of bonds for that purpose of thecity, town or village payable from taxes to be levied by suchcity, town or village;
(3) From the proceeds of special assessments levied andcollected in accordance with law;
(4) From any other funds which may be obtained under any lawof the state or of the United States for that purpose; or
(5) From the proceeds of revenue bonds of such city, town orvillage, payable solely from the revenues to be derived from theoperation of such sewerage system or combined waterworks andsewerage system or from any combination of any or all suchmethods of providing funds.
(L. 1951 p. 638 ยง 4)