250.200. 1. Whenever any such city, town or village, whichshall embrace within its corporate limits any territory situatedin a sewer district directly served by the sewerage system ofsuch city, town or village, shall issue revenue bonds under thischapter, rates and charges for the services of the seweragesystem or combined water and sewerage system of such city, townor village shall be imposed and collected against each such lot,parcel of land or premises which shall have any active sewerconnection with the sewerage system of such city, town orvillage, regardless of whether the sewerage or domestic orindustrial waste from* such lot, parcel of land or premises iscarried also by the sewer lines or facilities of the sewerdistrict.
2. Whenever any such sewer district, which shall embracewithin its corporate limits any territory situated in a city,town or village, shall issue revenue bonds under this chapter,rates and charges for the services of the sewerage system of suchsewer district shall be imposed and collected against each suchlot, parcel of land or premises which shall have any active sewerconnection with the sewerage system of such sewer district,regardless of whether the sewerage or domestic or industrialwaste from* such lot, parcel of ground or premises is carried alsoby the sewer lines or facilities of such city, town or village.
3. Provided that no lot, parcel of land or premises shall becharged for sewerage services by both such city, town or villageand such sewer district; the rates and charges first imposed byany such political subdivision shall exclude rates and chargeslater imposed by the other subdivision.
(L. 1951 p. 638 ยง 19)*Words "waste from" substituted for "was to form" in enrolled bill.